Now I break this out every now and then.. I love westerns and Open Range is my favorite. But this scene right here is my head canon scene for when Daryl uses his words to tell Carol how he feels about her. “You’re the handsomest woman I ever saw.” SWOON
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So it’s been previously theorized that the blue and silver wing on Daryl’s vest may represent Carol (her blue eyes and silver hair). And it’s also been theorized that Alpha and Beta were the evil twin versions of Caryl.
Beta got a new half to his mask: half of Alpha’s face. Just like Daryl got a new half to his vest. I believe this was intentional by the writers, and it confirms to me more than ever that Canon!Caryl is in the immediate future.
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So it’s been previously theorized that the blue and silver wing on Daryl’s vest may represent Carol (her blue eyes and silver hair). And it’s also been theorized that Alpha and Beta were the evil twin versions of Caryl.
Beta got a new half to his mask: half of Alpha’s face. Just like Daryl got a new half to his vest. I believe this was intentional by the writers, and it confirms to me more than ever that Canon!Caryl is in the immediate future.
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the scene of carol touching the bracelet daryl made her before zeke found her is just one of the many awesome moments this episode had to offer.
daryl’s little forest camp being her safe place she visits when daryl isn’t able to comfort her the way she wants right now? guys, this was h u g e.
i was honestly relieved to see that zeke is there for her. she needs that so bad. after reading the ill-worded spoilers again all my hope was gone. as usual i should have known better. having not only daryl still care for her, but also zeke and judith made me feel happy. and can we talk about how daryl saw them enter hilltop together? this was another moment they didn’t have to show, but they did.
and for them to show a cz sex scene the majority of the caryl fandom isn’t even that mad about is hilarious. it is so painfully clear that they never were the fairytale couple people wanted them to be. their conversation clearly showed that carol was never in it the way zeke would have wanted or deserved. she wanted to be happy so bad, but it wasn’t meant to be from the start. and that is okay. because, as caryl antis love to say, sometimes a man and a woman are better off as friends.
the scene with lydia wrecked me. carol smoked again and it is just clear how much she hates herself. lydia isn’t sugarcoating anything and carol’s bitter chuckle just shows how she sees herself. daryl tried to convince her so many times since the season started that she is a good person, that they deserve a future to fight for, but she is so full of hate for herself and grief that she just can’t accept those words as the truth.
and finally her joining him at glenn’s grave. asking the question she is so afraid to hear an answer to. and yet she still has to ask, because his opinion on her is literally the only one that counts. when he said he could never hate her and she let out that shaky breath she was holding? with the music in the background? i started crying too my dudes. just wow.
if all of this doesn’t mean she is on her way to heal i am personally swimming across the ocean to beat up the whole writers room.
daryl amd carol will be okay. they never were even close to not be. soulmates forever and ever.
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15 better give me something, anything to get me thru to the finale (whenever that may be) 😔 I love a slow burn, angsty story with he best of them but this is taking the piss 😑 I have zero patience 🤣😂
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Shaun and Lea together is cute. And ya’ll can’t make me think otherwise. So sick of all the hate. You can be angry with Melendez dying but fucking leave Shaun and Lea out of this.
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Unpopular opinion: I can understand and empathize with both Shaun and Lea’s reactions to each other. I think both of them made mistakes, but nothing imo, irreparable. I DEFINITELY NEED THOSE MISTAKES ADDRESSED AND LEARNED FROM, but in the end, I believe Shaun and Lea can do it.
And I also find it hard to fault lea for looking within herself and her own issues, and asking “am I what he needs?” And I also don’t fault her for being cautious about her own heart. “Can he handle me when I’m at my worst? Can he comfort me the way that I’ll need or would I be the one comforting him in the end?” Lea knows she hurt Shaun by kissing him and leaving town, I think for once she’s doing the unselfish thing and really thinking through a potential relationship with him. Shaun took that to mean “she won’t date me because I’m autistic” but it’s really more complicated than that, imo.
I think they really do love each other. And basically, I like their dynamic, it’s fun and interesting to watch. And I love them together. But if it ain’t your cup of tea, I understand.
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“I hope so. At the end of that sequence with Carol and she says it’s never too late, I want to think that it means it’s never too late to try again. Never too late for anything.”
Melissa McBride answering, “So do you think that, with all of that in mind, there’s a way for Carol to ever achieve the peace she’s looking for, or that maybe she doesn’t know she’s looking for yet but would like to have someday?” Undead Walking Interview
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I read a review today of the latest TWD episode. The reviewer lamented that Carol’s story in 10x14 felt like a rehash of her story from earlier seasons.
And I was like, Dude you don’t get it.
She chose to go back on her own this time.
There was no Terminus.
There was no Morgan.
No one grabbed her and forced her to go home to Alexandria.
I think that’s a big change and an important one.
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