pookiesmcbride:i’m going to lose my mind thinking about how carol doesn’t realize she’s thhattt...
i’m going to lose my mind thinking about how carol doesn’t realize she’s thhattt person for daryl. “you don’t have to be alone the rest of your life” HE DOESNT FEEL ALONE BECAUSE HES GOT YOU BY HIS SIDE and the only reason he hasn’t let you know that is because he’s 1) too scared to admit feelings for fear of losing the best thing he’s got in the world and 2) simply having you in his life is enough!! carol you’re what makes him feel not alone right now and a huge chunk would be taken out of his heart if you were gone! he would no longer have someone to throw nuts with !!! DONT YOU SEE THAT?
he’s following you around everywhere because you’re what’s important to him!! each time you left the group he followed you in hopes of changing your mind, because if you’re gone, there’s not another carol. there’s no where else he’d rather be than with you, and he’s made that clear when he says he’d be perfectly fine with going to new mexico with you beech!!
daryls even accepted the fact that there ain’t no one to be romantic with, bc the only potential romance he sees in life is with carol, and if not that, nothing else could compare. CAROL OPEN YO DAMN EYES AND SEE WHAT HES PUTTIN DOWN.
November 19, 2019 at 06:29AM
i’m going to lose my mind thinking about how carol doesn’t realize she’s thhattt person for daryl. “you don’t have to be alone the rest of your life” HE DOESNT FEEL ALONE BECAUSE HES GOT YOU BY HIS SIDE and the only reason he hasn’t let you know that is because he’s 1) too scared to admit feelings for fear of losing the best thing he’s got in the world and 2) simply having you in his life is enough!! carol you’re what makes him feel not alone right now and a huge chunk would be taken out of his heart if you were gone! he would no longer have someone to throw nuts with !!! DONT YOU SEE THAT?
he’s following you around everywhere because you’re what’s important to him!! each time you left the group he followed you in hopes of changing your mind, because if you’re gone, there’s not another carol. there’s no where else he’d rather be than with you, and he’s made that clear when he says he’d be perfectly fine with going to new mexico with you beech!!
daryls even accepted the fact that there ain’t no one to be romantic with, bc the only potential romance he sees in life is with carol, and if not that, nothing else could compare. CAROL OPEN YO DAMN EYES AND SEE WHAT HES PUTTIN DOWN.
via Tumblr https://yrockprincess.tumblr.com/post/189166103328
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